Not So Splendid

Thursday, 3 May 2012

Clearing Up!

The monthly affair is finally here - yes its called clearing up. Every end of the month, we checked all of Toddler's clothes and toys, have them sorted out according to the followings:

1. Worn out - To The Bin
2. Outgrown, still usable - To be given away to our maids or Salvation Army
3. Outgrown, with sentimental values - To be sort away nicely in something we called The Archive

For April, the hub sorted them and have them done. We have new storage system from Howards Storage and its amazing how much can fit into a storage bag. I like the part it has a shape and is made of thicker plastic material. This makes the stacking of them very much easier. 

At the end of the day, we had about 2 big bags of her clothes, whereas her toys go into the usual Toyogo boxes. The feeling of these mini clearing up / spring cleaning session cheers me up as I can't bear with the thought of doing all these closer to the peak of my work session (read : very near festival seasons). 

Thanks goodness for the supportive Husband who doesn't mind going through these house chores.