Not So Splendid

Sunday 12 January 2014

Tantrum on a Sunday morning

It was supposedly to be yet another of our regular Sunday morning of getting Toddler for her Chinese enrichment class ready - however this didn't happen.

She is in that mood. When i refer it as That Mood, it terribly means waking up not happy but grumpy, clingy and totally unable to talk sense to her.

It involves this during breakfast time:

Me: "Come on, lets hurry up. What would you like to have for brekkie?"

Her: *complete silence and sulky face*

Me: "Would you like to have any breakfast?"

Her: *completely ignoring me*

Me: "Breakfast will be on table, let me know when you are done"

Her: *shrugs her shoulders*

Hub: "What's going on?"

Me: "That mood again"

Her: *no intention of moving at all to breakfast table*

Hub: "1, 2 ....."

Her: *Booooo Hoo Hoo and started crying*

We are not going to make it to the Chinese Enrichment Class afterall, so it maybe a better idea to avoid a complete meltdown outside and cuddle in bed instead.

I figured out anyone is entitled to have certain bad days. Giving the Toddler is alittle allowance maybe a better idea instead of forcing her to head for the class and somehow ruin it.