Not So Splendid

Friday 20 January 2012

Not So Splendid?

Year 2012 have arrived coming to a month and I just recalled that I have yet to set up the new blog which is to mark another year of milestone of being a mom. Lazy bones? Probably...

With January coming to a close, I have to admit that most of the daily stuffs have yet to really settle down. For example, the 31 months old toddler is still having that horrid flu bug going on which have since passed around the whole family at least twice. Due to this, lessons have been missed and all. Boy this is so not good for the routine I have been much want to set on for.

Classes for me have to resume fast as I really want to nail that last few papers and complete that qualification I have started long before the toddler is here. I took a break while being pregnant and prolong the break till she is at least 2 years old so I can start heading back and get it off my MUST DO LIST.

On top of all, the house hunting? Geeee... that will be another story for another day. Welcome 2012 and hopefully you are going to be a year full of excitement and experience for me.

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