Not So Splendid

Monday, 23 January 2012

Diaper Rash - Help!

Recently, a girlfriend of mine was asking me on what do I normally use to rid the common rash issues when Toddler was much younger. I immediately reply her with California Baby Diaper Rash Spray / Wash. She was dumbfounded for a few seconds as she has never heard of it. So here's a picture of it just in case some others are curious about it. 

California Baby Diaper Area Spray / Wash

I have my fair share of stories to tell on nasty rashes from personal experience and girlfriends. Back then when I was still a rather new mommy - I have close to nil help as most within the social circle are not married, let alone having babies. So I turned to trial and errors! 

I have tried a few diaper creme along the way but however their thick sticky texture never fails to turn me off and at times I find them rather nasty to wash away. So I was hunting around for something that does the job, is a breeze to use (ie I do not have to meddle around with a cap preferably!) and yet do not comes with the sticky thick texture that both Toddler and I disagreed strongly with.

So I came across the California Baby Diaper Rash Spray / Wash from online reviews / recommendations and got it from Karen - Agape Babies. I found the scent to be really light, something I prefer and easy to use (its a spray, hence close to zero meddling time as I do not need to open a cap).  Each time after I change Toddler's nappy, I will use it and realized after a few changes / spray sessions, the diaper rash seems to be toning down. It WORKS!

Till now despite Toddler is off the dipaers in the day, I still use it at night when the diaper training is still on-going. :)

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