Not So Splendid

Monday 31 December 2012

Preparing for Delivery - Confinement Food

As an Asian, I can't be more proud to talk about Confinement (this is starts the moment you deliver the baby) and will last approximately 40 days.

During this period of time, its recommended that one goes on a special diet that is suppose to aid in recovery / healing process and heaps of rest. This special diet tends to make heaps of my non-asian girlfriends cringe. Most likely one will ask me - Are you sure you are going to drink that weird looking soup?

Back then confinement are normally carried out by traditional confinement ladies who will look after both the mom and baby's well being. Or a close experience relative (female) will be helping out. As we
move into a modern age of time, other options become more available - such as confinement meals delivery services.

Given that I am used to having my own space and have my own routine set - I will not be hiring a confinement lady (I didn't hire one for my 1st pregnancy either) this time round too. So meal delivery service is indeed something I am looking more into since I will not want to tire myself out or trouble my in laws and mom to cook for me.

After trailing around the internet, the Hub and I decided to order a trial lunch meal with Newbaby under the recommendation of my friend - Angeline (the author of Simply Mommie). It arrives at about 11.30 am - just in time for me as I was starting to get hungry. At an affordable rate of $15.00, the portion seems pretty huge! The Hub and I shared the trial lunch meal and yes, absolutely yummy.

The prices listed are pretty reasonable given the portion and herbs they are using. (You may refer to this link for their price list:

Sunday 30 December 2012

Toilet training at night for toddler - Day 1

I have been toying with the idea of training toddler for ditching her diapers at night for quite sometime (she is turning 4 years old in 2013) and decided to just - go for it. To get it over and done with before junior's arrival.

The first night I woke her up to head to the bathroom - boy! She is absolutely super mad at me. Not only she refuses to head to the bathroom. She is on the brink of bursting into tears!

Sigh. I woke the husband up and we decided to just carry her to the bathroom and sit her on top of the white throne regardless she pees or not.

She shakes her head furiously and gives us both the upset look. No signs of pee before walking back to her room.

*prays it will get better tomorrow night - day 2*

2nd Trimester - Shopping About For Cot Bed

The 2nd trimester is a good time for me since I feel I have more energy and the all day sickness has mellowed down quite a bit. Of course with November and December months loaded with discounts and sales. It's definitely a good time.

As we are rather picky on what we are going to use for Junior hence the husband has been going around the shops with me. Trying out the stability of baby cot beds and he is definitely looking out for a piece of furniture that grows with our family in years to come.

We ended up getting the Boori range from Mothercare. There was a good 30% discount for the dresser/changing table and a 15% off for the gorgeous cot bed .. It's indeed a good saving and will serve good use for a long time to come.

Will be loading up pictures of them very soon.

Planning the nursery

Ever since we found out I am pregnant - I have been jotting down notes on what are needed and plot out a timeline of when should we start getting them ready. This comes in especially handy the moment I feel I am well enough to be in the malls.

Saves me quite a bit of time and allow me to manage the shopping pretty well without going over the top (getting unnecessary items as per toddler's time).

Of course, it also allows us to set aside some funds that will go into the nursery.

Here's a look of what I have come up with. It states the brand, place where I may want to purchase the item from, notes of what to what should I be taking notice off ie the discount and also month I should be getting it done.

Hope you will find it useful when you are doing up your list for the nursery.

Last day of 2012

I realized my last post was dated in Aug and today is the last day of year 2012! Guilty as charged - I am back writing reviews and life so far.

The pregnancy has been a little easier since I last mentioned in August. That hospital stay was yet another eye opener for me. An overnight stay, 6 packets of drips and a full week of hospitalization leave later - I am as good as new.

I have since learned to take things a little more easier even thou it means sacrificing potential promotion or even pay raise. It does not seems to be that worthwhile.

Yes I am a full time working mommy who holds a pretty all right job (reads: finance) that pays not so bad. Some may have been wanting to ask me - why not resign and be a stay at home mommy?

Well I would love to, but given my character - it's simply not enough. Knowing that I will miss the adrenaline rush I experience at work - I rather not subject the husband to the sheer torture of hearing my complaints. Besides - who doesn't love financial freedom?

One would never get the end of pros and cons being a stay at home mommy or full time working mom - to each of his / her own.

So yes I am still pretty happy about what I am doing currently. Things will not be changing for quite sometime for me.

Wednesday 29 August 2012

Far too long?

It has been really quite a while since I update over here... reason being? I am expecting my 2nd bundle of joy. Things have been going on a roller coaster ever since I found out I am pregnant.

Many adjustments to be make - to think that i have just only managed to fit into my pre-pregnancy clothes and BAM here comes no 2. I have been spending time with Toddler and assuring her of her position. She has turned from a sweet princess to a demanding, unreasonable with heaps of bad behaviour rascal. All because of sibling rivalry.

Coming to think of it, she actually found out that I am pregnant much more earlier than me. Even my folks are complaining of her sudden change of behaviour. Tsk.

Its not called sibling rivalry for nothing. If handled inappropriately, it can go downhill from here.

Other than that, I am dealing with a serious case of "all day sickness". I have experienced a bad case of it when I was pregnant with Toddler. However it has not prepared me enough for what is to come for this current one! I was hospitalised! Geee...

Saturday 9 June 2012

Diaper Bags - What's On My List ?

Every since my last post on Diaper Bags, I couldn't help thinking of the chance of trying other brands and designs. So here's some pictures and also my list of diaper bags to try  - more will be added in time to come. If you have reviews or experience in trying any of them out. Do let me know so that I can link you up and share the reviews.

Storksak Elizabeth

Tribe Bag

Diaper Bags - The Obsession

Diaper Bags! Almost every mommy's essential on the go - which will hold baby's milk powder, milk bottles, warm water, blanket, toys, books, pacifier, diapers, wet wipes and the list goes on.

Staying in an Asian country, I realised that not many mommies over in Singapore really buy a diaper bag over here. The reason is due to the cost - getting one isn't really that cheap over here, a decent one will cost at least SGD 80+ onwards. I was once such mommy, refusing to believe there is a difference in spending that kind of money on a bag that doesn't look much difference to my Agnes B's bags!

The stress of unable to get all my baby's stuffs into the bag soon took a toll on me so I decided to take a look, try out what's the hype about Diaper Bags and I certainly will want to get one that doesn't scream boring / ugly. 

Petunia Pickle Bottom - Boxy Backpack

I tried on Petunia Pickle Bottom's Boxy Backpack (available at Motherworks) and it was almost love at first sight. Given the different material you can get to choose from, the designs, I was spoilt for choice. The bag was a good size and 3 ways to carry / use it (Sling, Backpack, Attached it over to the stroller/ pram handle). Multiple pockets for storing items easily, there is also a detachable pouch and a well cushioned changing mat along with wet wipe case. Very thoughtful design that are very lovely looking and versatile too. I found myself being able to pack everything needed into this bag and yet still have a good room left.

Petunia Pickle Bottom's Cross Town Clutch
Then again.... well.... me..being me feels that despite the Boxy backpack was a versatile bag, it was a littletoo much to carry for a short trip to the supermarket or post office or just about the neighbourhood. Hence I decided to try out for their Cross Town Clutch. It was a big surprise on the size as I didn't expect it to be able to hold a bottle, changing mat, wet wipe case, at least 2 diapers, my purse, mobile and keys.

3 years on, these two bags are still serving me well, holding up to the tasks of carrying everything that my little girl needs and hopefully with more years to come - that is... if I do not start... looking at other diaper bags - highly this will not happen as I just read wonderful reviews of Tribe Diaper Bags on other mommies' blogs! It made of leather and look very sleek and gorgeous too - I may try it out should I have some good news soon.

*pictures from Petunia Pickle Bottom's official website.

Thursday 3 May 2012

Clearing Up!

The monthly affair is finally here - yes its called clearing up. Every end of the month, we checked all of Toddler's clothes and toys, have them sorted out according to the followings:

1. Worn out - To The Bin
2. Outgrown, still usable - To be given away to our maids or Salvation Army
3. Outgrown, with sentimental values - To be sort away nicely in something we called The Archive

For April, the hub sorted them and have them done. We have new storage system from Howards Storage and its amazing how much can fit into a storage bag. I like the part it has a shape and is made of thicker plastic material. This makes the stacking of them very much easier. 

At the end of the day, we had about 2 big bags of her clothes, whereas her toys go into the usual Toyogo boxes. The feeling of these mini clearing up / spring cleaning session cheers me up as I can't bear with the thought of doing all these closer to the peak of my work session (read : very near festival seasons). 

Thanks goodness for the supportive Husband who doesn't mind going through these house chores. 

Monday 16 April 2012

Shopping - Mothercare

Mothercare - a popular store for infant/children's essentials, pregnant mommies have been in Singapore for a long time. Its also one of the very first store I hope over to when I found out I am pregnant.

Over at here, I bought plenty of rompers, the price tags are pretty friendly, you will get 7 pieces of them (great quality) at SGD 46.00 (without the mothercare membership discount of 10% off). I realize that the designs play a part on their prices, so I normally wait out a season before I get a new pack of rompers from Mothercare. Hence you may want to factor that in if you would like to save a little on your pocket as everything from the store looks wonderful.

I like the idea that practically whatever is needed in getting a newborn's nursery ready is readily available here. It ranges from rompers, mittens, booties, baby blankets, swaddling blankets, baby cots, prams, bath tubs etc.

Its also over at here, I bought Toddler's bath tub, body creme, toys, clothings (up to now infact!), hooded towels, bedsheets and other miscellaneous items.

I always tend to rely on their yearly Mothercare booklet that explains and have plenty of notes on the different items and also the price list. I will mark out what I will need and have them all tag up before giving the store I frequent a call to make reservation on them. Once they are all ready, the hub will head over to collect them and bring them home for me.

However there are also some minus points which I have taken note of:

The cots and prams over at here are not really readily available in stock, hence there is always a time where you have to wait for them to check with the suppliers before getting back to you. I.e, if you need to get the baby cot or pram in a hurry, its definitely not a wise place to head over to.

Prices over at Mothercare Singapore may not be competitive enough, hence its always good to wait for their sale or the annual one that happens in March every year before you get anything expensive. Infact a galfriend of mine Jac who was staying in London for quite sometime find the prices over in UK makes it a better deal!

Do also note not all items are actually applicable to the membership discount, items such as Pigeon products are tend not to be on discount. So do be aware before popping them over to the counter.

At times, I find the sales team not really knowing the product well enough, therefore its always best for you to do some research before getting them.

Other than that, I find them pretty convenient since there are quite a number of outlets around. The sales team at different outlets are always willing to help you in checking stock with other branches. That is a big plus for me as service quality is pretty important as it can easily makes or break my shopping mood for the day.

Saturday 14 April 2012

Shopping - Mothers Works

Motherswork - one my favourite stores where hub and I will tend to head to for prams, diaper bags, maternity wear and toddler's favourite plush toys - Jellycat.

The branch I frequent will be Tanglin Mall. Located at the 2nd level is actually the maternity store also known as motherswork Big is Beautiful,  over at here is where I get maternity clothings, diaper bags, Jellycat products (I like the fact everything is very neatly display and practically whatever I need is available - inner wear to clothings). The sales ladies are very helpful and knowledgeable. I bought my Petunia Pickle Bottom Boxy Diaper Bag in Afternoon Tea over at here after finding out Egg Maternity no longer carries PPB's diaper bags!

It starts with an enquiry phone call from me (regarding the diaper bag I wanted) to getting to really like the store. The sales lady told me that there was a 20% off for PPB Boxy Diaper Bag and is able to help me reserve it for a certain period of time. I was impressed with their service - true to her words, I head over a day or two later to collect the diaper bag (the discount was extended to me despite it was a day after the sale ended).

On the 3rd level at Tanglin Mall, you will find another Motherswork store - this carries mainly products such as prams, car seats, beddings, cots, high chairs, toys, infant / children clothes and the list goes on. Everything at this store is neat and you will be able to find the wide range of products carried is a good chance for everyone to do comparison of different brands and all. Hub and I bought the City Select over here after comparing and physically testing out the different brands out. I like their service here and give them a big thumb up as their sales team is well trained on the product knowledge and bothers to clarify / check out the different points I have raised.

The sales team also bothers to go through step by step assembly on the pram with us, letting us know what are the points to take note of, how to collapse the pram, tips on caring for it etc.

Over at here, I also realised the Jellycat range is slightly different from the ones at Motherswork Big is Beautiful (2nd floor) hence its a plus for me as toddler is always delighted to see what else she would like to add to her collection of bunnies. This keeps her occupied while I can get the real business done - ie getting rain cover for her pram, beddings sets etc.

For those who are always on lookout for different brands and would prefer a wide range of products, this will be a store worth checking out. But please bear in mind due to its unique branding and the different ranges of products they carries, it also comes with a hefty price tag. On one hand, you can be assured you will be getting quality products, however on the other the prices can at times turn you off.

Therefore please do heaps of reading up / research before jumping into the wagon!

Time for another?

With the new Baby Jogger City Select pram here and the move to a new place next year, the talk of having another kid is fast becoming serious between the hub and I. We have been seriously toying with the idea, discussing about the fit of a new born into our hectic lifestyle *reads as our part time studies, our toddler and not to mention our jobs*

I have been pretty blessed at the field of parents in law, hence its very likely that i need heaps of their support should the plan falls into place. It was intended that we will bring the topic up to them later part of the year so that all of us will have enough time to prepare the new schedule and all.

However, last night I felt some discomfort at you know where. I panicked as its not the usual pre / post menstrual cycle discomfort but rather something is definitely off. Hub is pretty concerned when I brought it up and we decided okay, we got to head down to the gynae this morning to see whether my contraceptive (IUCD) is still in place. I have a weird feeling that I will definitely be having it taken out.

This morning arrives and we head over to my gynae, Dr Adrian Tan from ACJ Clinic. Dr Tan confirms yes it has to be taken out immediately as an internal infection has occurred (which was causing me the discomfort).

It all happens very fast and within 5 mins, the removal process is completed. I feel odd (both physically and mentally), the numb sensation passed through me and in my mind, it suddenly came across to me that the possibility of the baby plan being brought forward is rather high. Infact it can happen anytime from now! I was caught really off guard and caught my dear hub grinning cheek to cheek. *Oh dear*

Looks like it really time and real soon.

- picture taken from Mothercare website, Jamestown Cot Bed in White

Friday 13 April 2012

Quinny Speedi - Review

As per my previous post, I reckon that many would have known that I was previously using a Quinny Speedi for Toddler. This pram has last her through close to 3 years and its still working perfectly well despite the fact she has outweigh it. It has gone to my storage of course after a full cleaning up (we took the seat, canopy and tyres down for a full wash, dry and now wrapped up).

Back then, when she is a newborn - I was using the Maxi Cosi Cabrio Fix along with this Quinny frame. It was convenient as I do not need to transfer her in and out of the car seat or pram whenever we head out. She was happy in it, I was glad to have moments of peace.

The Quinny Speedi frame is much more sturdy as compared to the Quinny Zapp as it was easy to maneuver about the different terrains when I was jogging or strolling whenever she starts the crazy hours of non stop crying (colic baby). It has an emergency brake system right at the handle bar - which is a plus for me as I do not have long enough legs to really reach the brake at the bottom of the pram in time should there be a need to.

The fact that it was suitable to move about different terrains also means it has relatively big wheels. For this model, it required pumping. It works all right with a bicycle pump therefore considered convenient.

Other than that, I like the fact it has a large seat space - which is a good thing should napping space is a concern. There is a leg rest, which height can be adjusted to two levels, this works well whenever Toddler naps. It doesn't restrict her legs to be hanging down position. She is able to have her legs resting at the same level during her naps.

The basket below is a good size, I am able to fit my diaper bag in (note - my diaper bag is not relatively small considering the amount of things I am bringing along).

The pram collapse relatively easy and fuss free, it can be put into the boot without much trouble. However as the size of this pram is not relatively small, hence ample space in the car boot is needed. I am not petite hence I find the weight of this pram manageable. However for mommies who are of smaller built - they may feel the weight of Quinny Speedi too much for them.

A few points that I do not like about Quinny Speedi:

I find the canopy that comes with it rather short, it didn't really do its job of shading Toddler from the sun.

There is no peek a boo window for you to catch a glimpse of whatever your kid is doing,

The seat that comes with it can only be forward facing, hence if you are one who likes to have forward and backward facing, this pram is not going to work.

Despite the wheels are a breeze to maneuver about, you will always have to remember to do checks on the wheels (whether they are out of air) before your trips out, just in case you encounter an almost flat tyre on side.

When collapse, I find the handle bar touching the ground (this is a big minus) as I often find myself wiping the handle bar with anti bacterial wipes.

Again there is no perfect pram in this world that suits everyone's needs so we just got to give and take a little bit more. All in all, I still love the Quinny Speedi, it has serve Toddler very well and hopefully it will continue to contribute towards her other future sibling(s) in near future. *prays*

New Pram

Recently I encountered the classic issue of my almost three years old Quinny Speedi about to give way. It has been a good pram serving me pretty well until Toddler's weight exceeded the max limit of 15kg. The frame and all are still good but The Hub and I soon realised that the seat is barely allowing a 45 degrees sitting position whenever Toddler is on it.

With she being only 2 years plus and going to be 3 years old. I still struggle when I am out with her. There is always the moments when she gets tired of walking, needs a hug, needs to be carry and she wants to nap. The list goes on and I was getting really irritated at that one part of the point - I actually was considering no more half day or full day trip for her!

It has been a pain to get a pram for her as she is rather on the tall side. At this age of hers, we realised that she is coming to a metre tall. So Hub did some research and did more reading up and find out what prams that are available in Singapore that will be suitable. We rang a couple of stores, visited them and still find ourselves back to Mothers Works located at Tanglin Mall. *I dig that store - seriously - this will be shared in some other post*

We head over last weekend to compare between Bugaboo Donkey and Baby Jogger's City Select since they have the demo sets available at the store, both brands are able to seat 2 kids - which is an important point for us as we are seriously toying with the idea of having another baby next year.

At the end of the day, Toddler sat at both different prams and did a comparison by herself after we go through the two different prams. To my very surprise, she picks the Baby Jogger's City Select. It was amazingly comfortable for her, she didn't have the problem with the seat at all - she even tells us that she would like to seat with her future sibling in it.

With all smiles, the Hub picks the tab within 1 min flat when he knows thats the right pram for her. While the store assistant goes through on the details of the pram with him, my sister in law kept Toddler occupied at the store. I finally have a few free moments to take a look at some other stuffs that I maybe keen to get for her. So there's the new pram from Hub to her and I decided to get another Jellycat's bunny for her. Its a red one called Emily this time round, in additional to Henry. Now there is a pair for her and I can finally get to send Henry to the washer!

Monday 6 February 2012

Service Quality

Toddler has been pretty unwell over the weekend, all plans have to be put on haul. Initially it starts with a cough but it slowly turns out to be accompanied with high fever. A trip to the doctor is unavoidable. The hub and I decided to give the nearby GPs a try since time is pretty crucial with a cranky her along with us. So we settled to visit this clinic called Wei Min located just within our estate.

Upon reaching, a quick check with the two clinic assistants around that there is only one lady in the queue and we will be able to see the doctor right after her. Feeling slightly relieved, we distracted toddler with the big saltwater fish tank on the clinic itself. However little did I know, after waiting for 30 mins instead of we heading in for our turn, the clinic assistant decided to pass our turn to someone who is after us.

Shocked with this type of service quality, I questioned both clinic assistants on duty is this their usual practice. No apologies or explanation were given except trying to change the topic with us. Terrible attitude. I realised it's due to one of them been rather slack (she didn't bother checking with us on toddler's weight and temperature till the last moment and scrabble to do up the medical folder!), however her colleague's thinking was since the folder is nt ready it's all right to pass our turn to others without checking with us.

Cue 5 mins of unable to give an explanation and pushing blames to one another, I told them I am Definitely Not seeing this doctor! Rounding about toddler, we went off. We check another clinic nearby and thankfully, there is no queue at that moment. The clinic assistants aid us with our pram and all. We have a pleasant experience with Kensington clinic. 2 clinics, 2 different attitudes. It says alot about their professionalism.

Monday 23 January 2012

Diaper Rash - Help!

Recently, a girlfriend of mine was asking me on what do I normally use to rid the common rash issues when Toddler was much younger. I immediately reply her with California Baby Diaper Rash Spray / Wash. She was dumbfounded for a few seconds as she has never heard of it. So here's a picture of it just in case some others are curious about it. 

California Baby Diaper Area Spray / Wash

I have my fair share of stories to tell on nasty rashes from personal experience and girlfriends. Back then when I was still a rather new mommy - I have close to nil help as most within the social circle are not married, let alone having babies. So I turned to trial and errors! 

I have tried a few diaper creme along the way but however their thick sticky texture never fails to turn me off and at times I find them rather nasty to wash away. So I was hunting around for something that does the job, is a breeze to use (ie I do not have to meddle around with a cap preferably!) and yet do not comes with the sticky thick texture that both Toddler and I disagreed strongly with.

So I came across the California Baby Diaper Rash Spray / Wash from online reviews / recommendations and got it from Karen - Agape Babies. I found the scent to be really light, something I prefer and easy to use (its a spray, hence close to zero meddling time as I do not need to open a cap).  Each time after I change Toddler's nappy, I will use it and realized after a few changes / spray sessions, the diaper rash seems to be toning down. It WORKS!

Till now despite Toddler is off the dipaers in the day, I still use it at night when the diaper training is still on-going. :)

Saturday 21 January 2012

Iron Ons & Name Tag Stickers Reviews!

Iron On & Name Tag Stickers! Something that are so small but yet really important especially for pre-schoolers. I have heard enough of horrid stories of kids bringing home their classmates' books, shoes and even wore the wrong set of uniforms home.

In order to prevent that from happening, I decided I should get some and basically label on every single item that includes socks, shoes, undergarments, uniforms, tee shirts, shorts, hankies, bags, notebooks, stationaries... well you get the drift.

I tried out a few brands and would just want to share my thoughts on them.

Waterproof Iron On Stickers from EEOO over at Singapore Motherhood : These are the recommended to me by one of my girlfriends who raves about their fast delivery! As I was really despair with the waiting from one other brands that I have ordered from so I decided to just go ahead with ordering from EEOO while waiting!


  1. I like the idea that I will not need to place a greaseproof paper over them and proceed to Iron them into the garments just as they are.
  2. Mock ups are emailed to me relatively fast - this is to ensure they got the name correct and all.
  3. Delivery of the items are pretty fast. 

However there are a few misses about them that I would want to avoid:

  1. Peeling the Iron Ons out from the original packaging is proven pretty tough and messy, the sticky part is way too sticky and often I found myself struggling to get them off from the Iron On Tags so that I can Iron On properly.
  2. Finishing wise is not pretty neat - however at the price range of SGD 10.00, I have to accept that the price differences placed a big part.
  3. After a few washes of the garments, its best to re-iron them to ensure they are still attached to garments. 
Rating Review: I will rate them a 3 out of 5 Stars due to their efficiency and also price range. They are great price to the pockets if you are budget conscious and does the job of labels.

Waterproof / Tear Proof Iron On Stickers and Name Labels from MUAKIDS: Ironically whatever I bought over from EEOO at Singapore Motherhood Forum are not sufficient enough for labels (due to Toddler's long name so I have to settle for a 32 pieces Mickey Mouse Clubhouse set back then!) so I decided to try out MUAKIDS after hearing wonderful stuffs about them from some of my friends. 

I decided that since school were starting and I really want to get everything smart and tact, so a rush order is needed and since there were a promotion going on for orders of 2 packs and above. Its a deal not to be missed. Cost efficiency over here. 

  1. The selection over at MUAKIDS are great and much wider! I love the shoes labels, these are especially important since there are gym classes going on for Toddler! So I got the Preschooler's Value Bundle and another Iron On Combo.
  2. Finishings are extremely neat and clear.
  3. I did not face the same issue getting the Iron Ons out from the original packaging. 
  4. Toddler loves the designs from MUAKids (this is a plus for me!)
  5. Fast delivery.
  6. The lady boss, Jocelyn is amazing to work with! She even advised me on the delivery timing and bothers to drop me a text message before sending the courier over!
  1. Price is slightly steeper as compared from the ones which I bought from EEOO (MUAKIDS' Iron On Combo costs SGD 22.95 But however you will be receiving about 59 pieces, if you break down it will be SGD 0.388 for each piece).
  2. Greaseproof Paper is needed before you iron the Iron On Stickers onto the garments. You will not be able to iron straight onto them as they will be damaged under the strong heat!
  3. As per the same issue I faced earlier on, after a few washes, there is a need to re-iron to re-enforce them!
Rating Review: I will rate them a 4 out of 5 Stars due to the good clear finishing and the wide range I am able to get from MUAKIDS. Furthermore I found my Toddler is able to identify her belongings by the distinctive stickers I have took much trouble to get them into her items! 

Iron On and Shoes Labels from Stuck On You: This is the one I originally ordered from but however there are so many incidents with them that I have to get from EEOO and MUAKids while waiting!


  1. The range are lovely and wider as compared to MUAKIDS of course. I picked out shoes labels and Iron On packs 
  2. I love the colors combinations they have, very suitable for babies, toddlers, big kids and even adults!
  3. Quality Wise are pretty neat and clear (as per the same as MUAKIDS). I face no problems getting them out from the original packaging. 
  4. Inks are lead free and child friendly.
Misses: (I am afraid these are going to be a little dreadful)

  1. Price is the most costly among all. The two packs cost me cost to SGD 70.00.
  2. Delivery are terribly slow and badly conducted. It states on the website 1 -2 weeks delivery and after which a 2-3 weeks which confuses consumers terribly. Lead time are apparently more than what they stated on the website.
  3. Customer Service Hotline is always left unattended, I have to ring a few times before getting them and enquiring after my order, replies received from them are often rude and seems to be a really badly run business with a lack of customer service oriented attitude. 
  4. Emails responses are very slow and rude. I ended up giving the head office over in Australia a call to check on the status myself. They told me a total different story from the Singapore branch. Apparently the business process are conducted in such a way that once an order is received, it will go straight to Australia (where they process & produced), once stickers are completed, it will be delivered to Hong Kong before coming to Singapore (which will reach end consumers). 
  5. Greaseproof Paper is needed before you iron the Iron On Stickers onto the garments. You will not be able to iron straight onto them as they will be damaged under the strong heat!
  6. Despite with Greaseproof Paper, heat control of the Iron is very important, I did notice some of the stickers have slight change of shape from circle to slightly oval shape should the Iron is higher in temperature. 
  7. As per the same issue I faced earlier on, after a few washes, there is a need to re-iron to re-enforce them.
Rating Reviews: I will rate them 1 out of 5 Stars due to the really bad experience I have with them. Despite the designs are lovely but I am unable to bear to order from them again. Probably a few years down the road, with better management skills and better customer services - I will be more willing to give them a try again. I simply cannot imagine what would have happen if I have not go ahead and give the head office a call and pursue after my order. Will I still be waiting just like those other customers stated on their facebook page ? 

Friday 20 January 2012

Not So Splendid?

Year 2012 have arrived coming to a month and I just recalled that I have yet to set up the new blog which is to mark another year of milestone of being a mom. Lazy bones? Probably...

With January coming to a close, I have to admit that most of the daily stuffs have yet to really settle down. For example, the 31 months old toddler is still having that horrid flu bug going on which have since passed around the whole family at least twice. Due to this, lessons have been missed and all. Boy this is so not good for the routine I have been much want to set on for.

Classes for me have to resume fast as I really want to nail that last few papers and complete that qualification I have started long before the toddler is here. I took a break while being pregnant and prolong the break till she is at least 2 years old so I can start heading back and get it off my MUST DO LIST.

On top of all, the house hunting? Geeee... that will be another story for another day. Welcome 2012 and hopefully you are going to be a year full of excitement and experience for me.